Chemin de Fer Touristique du Vermandois
Chemin de Fer Touristique du Vermandois - Saint-Quentin - Aisne - France

Saint-Quentin - Aisne - France


The Chemin de Fer Touristique du Vermandois at Saint Quentin (just off the A26 in Picardy) now has 2-8-0 140C314 (North British 21651 of 1917) in service together with Diesel electric locomotive BB66252 and other Diesel locomotives.

In high summer a Sunday stopping train service is run from Saint Quentin to Origny-Sainte-Benoite. At other times of the year special trains are frequently run at the weekend, these often consisting of dining trains using the beautifully restored Wagon Lits restaurant car.

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Depuis 1992, notre chemin de fer jumeau d’outre-manche !

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The diesel locomotives of the CFTV
Publié le 15 mai 2016
par Pascal,
Rhys W Owen

On Saturday 30 March 2013, the CFTV’s Open Day, the CFTV’s entire stud of diesel locomotives was drawn up on parade. From left to right can be seen the BDR locotracteur (within the buiding on track 2), BB203 from the CFD, C61041 from the SNCF (within the building on track 1), Aisne 33 and the (…)

Steam locomotives of the CFTV
Publié le 14 mai 2009
par Rhys W Owen

At the time of writing (October 2016), the CFTV has in its care four steam locomotives, these being 2-8-0 140 C 314, which is currently in service, 0-6-0 tank locomotives 030 T 3 and 030 T 4, both of which require repair, and 4-6-0 230G352 which also requires repair. 030T3

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Getting to the CFTV...
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The origins of the CFTV
Publié le 19 février 2009
par Rhys W Owen

In 1976 a group of railway enthusiasts based in Picardy set about the task of preserving some of France’s standard gauge railway heritage - and so the CFTV was born !

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